Thursday, October 25, 2007

Me and My Favorite Hat

Click on my picture to view my favorite website to buy hats from.
Arriving at the Tabard Inn
Day 10
April 5

I have finally reached the Tabard Inn exhausted. As I enter the crude inn, I notice it was full of odd characters from all over England. There were clergy members, nobles, a knight, and some men who looked like uncivilized cave men. I hurried over the counter to ask for a room. One of the men, I believe he said his name was the Miller, offered to help carry my bags up to my room. I was a little uneasy at first but I didn’t want to carry those heavy things up myself. The man put my bags down by my bed and I thanked him kindly as a closed the door behind him. I decided to unpack a few things before washing up and going to bed for some much needed rest.